Card Lovers

What does Thinking Of You Week mean to you?

Moms always love mail, as do Dads – and siblings.

A thank you for your friendship after a fun night out with friends, or even a lunch.

Celebrate “new” milestones in your friends’ lives – a promotion, a new job, leaving a job – a new home, it’s always fun to get mail at your new address, besides all the bills.

If you find a quote on a card that reminds you of a friend – send it to them, with the simplest message: “this made me think of you!”

Send a note to someone who may be feeling alone, could be an older person, an unexpected card in the mailbox can brighten a person’s day.


Need More Inspiration?

We hope our Inspiration Wall has inspired you to think about what Thinking Of You Week means to you. If you need more ideas, we’ve written a blog post with links to external sites.